Second Home's Support Closet's mission is to ease the transitions of children in foster care and support families experiencing adoption by cultivating community support and equipping families and children with tangible needs and resources.
How it works
The Support Closet is open on the third and fifth Sunday of every month from 3-5pm. Spots are available on a first come first serve basis.
What to expect:
The first time at our closet, or if you have a new placement, you will get a welcome bag with items such as microwavable stuffies, blankets for kids in the home, brand name water bottles, backpacks or diaper bags if needed, and a gift card. Plus each month you can get hygiene products for all ages, diapers, wipes, a meal or gift card, and any resources available.
To utilize the support closet, follow the steps below:
• Follow the link below to register or login. Please register all family members for us to tailor your bag. You can include diaper sizes, ages or any special needs you may have.
• Choose an available time slot on an open day. We do ask that if you can not make the appointment to please cancel your slot.
• At your chosen time slot, arrive at Lake Springs Church at 304 Raleigh St Holly Springs for your pick up. There you will be greeted with refreshments and snacks. Plus there is an enclosed outdoor playground!
• Receive your support items tailored to your family's needs!
Parents can sign up once a month for the closet.